
Basic Computer Programming.

About our application.

Headcoach technologies is an application  where user's can learn programming languages 


* Is a high-level programming language that uses instructions to teach the computer how to perform a task.

* Python provides an easy approach to object-oriented programming 

* Object-oriented is an approach used to write programs.

* Python is a free and open source language.


You can write,modify and distribute the source code of python scripts.

* It was developed by GUIDO VAN ROSSUM and was released in 1991.

* Python finds its application in various domains :-

1.Python is used to create web applications.

2.Python is used in game development.

3.Python is also used to create desktop applications.

4.It is also used in machine learning and data science.


* First,we write instructions in English based python language.

* It is an interpreted language,so there is no need of compiling them.

* Python programs run directly through source code.

* The source code is converted into intermediate bytecode and then into the native language of computer internally by python interpreter.

* The code is executed and the output is presented.


* A program is a set of instructions that tells the computer to perform a specific task.

* A programming language is used to create programs.


* We will start with a HELLO WORD program,usually the first program learned when studying any computer language.

* We want to display "Hello word" on the output screen.

* To tell the computer to write on the screen,we use the print statement.


* It is a build-in function in python to display things on the screen.

* A build-in function is a function which is predefined and can be used directly.

* If we want to display anything on the screen,it needs to be written inside brackets and enclosed within double quotes " " e.g


            Output= Hello 


* Comments are pieces of code which are used by the python interpreter.

* Comments are written to make source code easier to understand by other people.

* Python supports single line comments,meaning that they can cover only one line.

* Anything written following # is considered a single line comment in python.


* The variable name,value and assignment operator (=) are the three things required to store values in the variable.

* We can also store text in variables.

* Text values are known as Strings in programming.

* A string is a sequence of characters.

* Characters can be a letter or a number,even a special character.

* We can also store numbers in variables.

* Numbers containing a decimal point are known as floating point numbers in programming.

* A whole number is known as integer.

* Regardless of the type of number,whether a floating point or an integer,python views them as a single category-Numbers


is the act of finding the possible entry points that exists in a computer system or network.

            Types of hacking. 

1-Network Hacking.

2-Ethical Hacking.

3-Email Hacking.

4-Website Hacking.

5-Password Hacking.

6-Computer Hacking.

        Advantages of hacking. 

1-To recover lost information.

2-Perform Penetration test.

3-To prevent malicious hackers from gaining access.

4-To prevent security breaches.

            types of hackers.

1-White Hat hackers.

They never harm a system,rather they try to find out a weakness in a computer system and fix it.

2-Grey hat hackers.

They act with malicious intend to exploit a systems weakness without owners permission.

3-Black Hat hackers.

They hack in order to gain unauthorized access to systems and networks and harm it's operations and steal sensitive information.

They are also known as "CRACKERS"


Is a hacker who spreads news about hacking but with good intentions 

        skills of ethical hacking.

As an ethical hacker ,you will need to understand various hacking techniques such as -

1-passwords guessing and cracking.

2-session hijacking.

3-session spoofing.

4-network traffic sniffing.

5-Denial of service attacks.

6-SQL injection.


is a set of processess and technique (footprinting, scanning & Enumeration) used to covertly discover and collect information about a target system.


This is the first process in ethical hacking. 

>During reconnaissance ,a hacker attempts to gather as much information about a target system,following the seven steps listed below..

  1. Gather initial information.
  2. Determine the network range.
  3. Identify active machines.
  4. Discover open ports & access points.
  5. Fingerprint the operating system.
  6. Uncover services on port.
  7. Map the network.

    types of reconnaissance.

  1. Active reconnaissance.
  2. Passive reconnaissance.

       Active reconnaissance. 

In this process,you will directly interact with the computer system to gain information.

This information should be relevant and accurate.

Passive reconnaissance.

In this process, you will not be directly connected to the target computer system.

This process is preferred if you can't access the system directly.

    terminologies of hacking.

  1. Cross-site scripting(XSS).
  2. Worms.
  3. Virus.
  4. Trojan.
  5. Back door. 
  6. Bot. 
  7. Brute force attack.
  8. Buffer overflow.
  9. Clone phishing.
  10. Cracker.
  11. Denial of service attack(DOS).
  12. Exploit kit.
  13. Fire wall.
  14. keystroke logging.
  15. Logic bomb. 
  16. Malware.
  17. Master program.
  18. phishing.
  19. Rootkit. 
  20. Social engineering.
  21. Spam. 
  22. Spoofing.
  23. Spyware.
  24. SQL injection.
  25. Threat.

           ethical hacking-tools.

1-NMAP (Network mapper )

it is used widely for network discovery &security auditing.

*Nmap uses raw IP packets to determine :-

  • Hosts available on the network.

What services those hosts are offering.

  • What operating system they are running on. 


it's one of the most powerful exploit tools. 

*You can perform the following operations ;-

  • Conduct basic penetration tests on small net.
  • Run spot checks.
  • Discover the Network or import scan data 
  • Browse and run individual exploits on hosts 


is a popular platform that is widely used for performing security testing of web applications.


it is a lightweight ,cross-platform IP address and port scanner.


it is a password recovery for Microsoft operating system.

*It helps in easy recovery of various kinds of password by employing any of the following methods :-

  • Sniffing the network.
  • Cracking encrypted passwords.
  • Recording VoIP conversations.
  • Decoding scrambled Passwords.
  • Recovery of wireless network keys.
  • Revealing password box.


is a network security tool for Man-In-the-middle attacks.


It is a tool that simplifies Network analysis in a multiprotocal heterogeneous Net environment.


is a powerful tool for Network admins to scan TCP ports and resolve hostnames.

It can be used to :-

  • Perform ping scans and port scans.
  • Scan any port range from a built in list.
  • View responses from connected hosts.
  • Modify the port list.
  • Merge port lists to build new ones.


*It is an integrated suite of tools that can be utilized to simplify security operations.


*It is a website application assessment tool that helps identify known and unknown vulnerability.

Coach himSelf

Coach himSelf